Structure: Visualize State of the Art Bond Sizing

smartmodel_StructureStructure is a bond sizing and structuring tool that generates complete financing solutions from simple level debt service structures, to complex common finance plans over multi-year borrowing programs and detailed revenue constraints. Users can visually interact with Structure to determine the optimum finance plan including on the fly selection of refunded bonds.

  • Import bond data directly from Stage I analysis.
  • Solve directly for refunded bonds based upon revenue constraints of the problem.
  • Patent pending SmartModels™ Viewer technology allows user to visually interact with problem to determine refined solutions in fractions of the time.
  • Load multiple new yield scales and bond structures. 
  • Familiar Excel front-end provides for easy extensions for custom modeling. 
  • Summary and detailed output schedules and charts allow quick inspection of solutions.



Model with the power of SmartModels™ now.